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This week, I was delighted to receive my contributor's copy of Issue #6 of Red Earth Reviewfrom the Red Earth MFA in Oklahama City University. I'm deeply honored that the editors chose to include my short story "The Things That Change." You can read a free version online here, or if you'd prefer to read a print copy, visit the Red Earth Review website for details about where to purchase this gorgeous journal. I'm thrilled to share my work with you!

Upcoming Class: "Writing YA Fiction" at the Writers Workshop of Asheville

On Saturday, July 7th, I'll be teaching a class on "Writing YA Fiction" at the Writers Workshop of Asheville in North Carolina. Come learn some do's and don'ts of YA, common mistakes and tropes, the differences between writing the teen voice for YA and for adult audiences, and much more. The class will include readings, writing exercises, and a workshop. For more information, and to buy tickets, visit the TWWOA website. Hope to see you there! 

New Fiction on Mud Season Review

Photo by Pi Gardiner.

Photo by Pi Gardiner.

I am delighted to announce that my modern gothic story "The Lady of the House" has been included in Issue #34 of Mud Season Review! Editor-in-chief Lauren Bender writes: "In Constance Renfrow’s story “The Lady of the House,” what appears to be a classic ghost story takes on an extra psychosocial layer, exploring the dysfunctional relationship between the main character Marla and her new husband Armand."

Check out "The Lady of the House" or read the full issue here.  

Three Rooms Press at the Brooklyn Book Festival


This Sunday, September 17, join Three Rooms Press at the Brooklyn Book Festival! We'll be at Booth 205, showing books new and old. Every hour we'll be raffling off one book; simply leave your name and email, and we'll notify you if you've won the drawing. Stop by to say hello and enter to win a free book! 

Also, be sure to stop by Booth 628 to learn more about the low residency MFA program at Pacific University!