Enter to Win a Signed Copy of SONGS OF MY SELFIE


To celebrate our recent glowing press, we're giving away five signed copies of SONGS OF MY SELFIE on Goodreads. Add the book to your "to read" shelf and enter to win! Good luck!

Already have a copy? Rate it on Goodreads or leave a review on Amazon. Every rating and review helps new readers find us! 


SONGS OF MY SELFIE Launch Was a Huge Success!

Thank you all for coming to Friday's SOLD OUT launch of Songs of My Selfie! The show was a huge success, with readings by twelve fantastic millennial writers, giveaways, great drinks, music, and more. Check out the photos below, or on our Facebook page!

Couldn't make it to the launch party? Don't worry, there are plenty more Songs of My Selfie events coming up.

April 18 at 7 p.m.
A Reading and Conversation with Jared Shaffer and Xingyue Sarah He
Flyleaf Books
752 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd (Historic Airport Rd.)
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

May 12 at 7 p.m.
A Reading and Open Mic with Joshua Tuttle

Auntie's Bookstore
402 W. Main
Spokane, WA 99201 

May 25
Songs of My Selfie: Millennial Writers Reading

85 E. Fourth Street
New York, NY 10003

"The Edge of Happiness" Featured on Citizen Lit!

I'm ecstatic to announce that I'm this week's featured reader on Citizen Lit! Following a spotlight on Amanda Miska from Split Lip Press, I read from my short story "The Edge of Happiness," soon to be published in Songs of My Selfie: An Anthology of Millennial Stories (Three Rooms Press, April 2016). I'm honored to be included on this incredible podcast.

Hosted by Wilkes University's Jim Warner, this weekly literary and arts podcast has chosen to spotlight Songs of My Selfie. Over the course of the next few episodes, Citizen Lit will feature select contributors reading from their stories.

Head over to Citizen Lit to listen to the episode. "The Edge of Happiness" begins at around 16:00. 

Check back next Monday for more readings from the Songs of My Selfie team! 

Millennial Writers on Writing on HUFFINGTON POST

Head over to Huffington Post Books to check out my article "Millennial Writers on Writing"! This piece features Songs of My Selfie contributors as they respond to the question: "Why do you write?" Highlighted writers include: Ifra Asad, Tyler Barton, Aaron Thorpe, Tiffany Ferentini, and Xingyue Sarah He.

It begins:

We rarely hear about writers at the start of their journeys -- the ones just beginning to strive publicly, instead of in the quiet confines of their mind. And so, in the spirit of moving forward, of looking to the future of literacy and literature, I asked the young, millennial-aged storytellers included in the forthcoming Songs of My Selfie: An Anthology of Millennial Stories (Three Rooms Press, April 2016) to share their views on writing--to put into words just why they write. Here's what they have to say

Click here to read the article on Huffington Post. And for more millennial responses, check out the full piece on Three Rooms Press. Don't forget to preorder your copy of Songs of My Selfie and #ReadMillennialWriters. 

Guest Post: "On Place" Series

Head over to poet, editor, and YA author Kelly Ann Jacobson's blog to read my guest post for her "On Place" series. I talk about using New York as the setting for my short story "The Edge of Happiness," featured in my forthcoming anthology Songs of My Selfie

An excerpt:

It’s about being young and disillusioned, and more accurately still, it’s about being young and disillusioned in New York City. I won’t say this story couldn’t take place anywhere else—in any other city in the world—but New York is known as a haven for the young and the creative and those who are lost, looking to be found. It is a home to transplants, and I rely on my reader knowing the mythos of NYC in order to fully understand the narrator’s ambitions—to make it as an artist in the big city—and thus her great anguish: to realize art comes not from place but from within.

Read the whole post at: http://www.kellyannjacobson.com/on-place-series/on-place-constance-renfrow.html#sthash.9MmYcVFl.cfeWE4rx.dpuf