Writer's Digest Webinar

Last week I took part in a webinar, "Editors' Tips on Revising Your Manuscript and Query Letter," hosted by Writer's Digest and the freelancing website Reedsy. I joined Ricardo Fayet, founder of Reedsy, as well as former editors and publishers from Harper Collins, Simon and Schuster, and Random House, as we discussed everything from unique openings to story conflict to the the right and wrong ways to write a query letter. This was my first time participating in a webinar, and it was such a wonderful experience. I'm honored to have been chosen to participate. 

If you'd like to give it a listen, the recording has been made available on Writer's Digest. I hope our advise is helpful to you! 

New Work on DIY MFA

Reading my poetry at the Three Rooms Press Prose! Poetry! Party!

Reading my poetry at the Three Rooms Press Prose! Poetry! Party!

I am pleased to announce that I have two new articles up on DIY MFA. If you're considering submitting your book to a publisher, check out The Eight Most Common Reasons I Send a Rejection, and if you've already signed a contract, here are some practical suggestions for How to Streamline Your Editing Experience

And, belatedly, I'm excited to share with you that DIY MFA named me one of five writers who made an impact on that site! Thank you to Gabriela Pereira, Bess Cozby, and the team at DIY MFA for this honor!