Wendy Sherman Associates


I am absolutely over the moon to share that I am now represented by Nicki Richesin at Wendy Sherman Associates! Nicki is a dream agent, and I am so grateful for her passion and diligence and enthusiasm for my work. My novel, BRANMOOR, is a neo-Victorian coming-of-age story about family and loss and the changing way children consider their parents, and I so hope to be able to share Helene’s journey (and Nicholas and Valera’s antics) with you.

In the meantime, I am (gleefully) hard at work on a new project: a novel-in-stories about cats, architectural restoration, and abandonment. If you would like to read one of the stories from this project, head over to Litro for “What the River Takes.”

New Work on DIY MFA

Reading my poetry at the Three Rooms Press Prose! Poetry! Party!

Reading my poetry at the Three Rooms Press Prose! Poetry! Party!

I am pleased to announce that I have two new articles up on DIY MFA. If you're considering submitting your book to a publisher, check out The Eight Most Common Reasons I Send a Rejection, and if you've already signed a contract, here are some practical suggestions for How to Streamline Your Editing Experience

And, belatedly, I'm excited to share with you that DIY MFA named me one of five writers who made an impact on that site! Thank you to Gabriela Pereira, Bess Cozby, and the team at DIY MFA for this honor! 


Take a look behind the curtain at DIY MFA

I'm thrilled to announce that I have joined the DIY MFA crew as a regular columnist! DIY MFA offers advice on writing, reading, community-building, and more. They feature writing prompts, podcasts, and soon there will be a DIY MFA book. 

I'll be writing each month about book publishing, editing, and other aspects of the industry. If you have a book you're considering pitching, or want to learn what it's like on the other side of the writing process, check back for new posts from me and from the rest of the DIY MFA team. 

My first column, "A Walk-through of the Book Publishing Process (part 1)" is up now. Here's a clip from the intro. 

Writers everywhere dream of getting their novels published, but I would wager that when you picture that most anticipated of events, you imagine getting that congratulatory email from your agent/editor and then fast-forward to the black tie launch party a la Richard Castle. The truth is even after the contract is signed, your work as author isn’t quite done yet. In the editorial department alone there are a number of steps between acquisition and publication, and unfortunately, almost all of them require something for the author to do. So let me take you through the process that turns a manuscript into a beautiful, shiny (or matte) new book.

Read the full article here, and if you find it helpful, leave a comment or share on Facebook and Twitter. Enjoy!